

Press release / 11.9.2024

appose partners with the Global Upskill research collaboration

Trend analysis for the skills pathways of the future


News / 14.8.2024

Transforming the hospitality industry with AI

Fraunhofer IAO and Apaleo develop study to drive AI innovation in the hospitality industry


News / 24.6.2024

Fraunhofer Morgenstadt initiative goes to South Korea

Fraunhofer IAO and Maekyung Media Group form a strategic partnership to promote urban innovation for climate-neutral cities in South Korea


News / 14.6.2024

Urban sustainability through carbon usage and storage

“ACCSESS” project plans manual for the implementation of carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS)


Customer magazine »FORWARD (German)

The magazine of the Fraunhofer IAO in cooperation with the IAT of the University of Stuttgart is published several times a year on a key topic.


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