Conference  /  September 24, 2024  -  September 26, 2024, 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Two Conferences – One Event: ASE Summit meets DSM Conference

The Advanced Systems Engineering Summit will focus on Complexity Management

The increasing complexity of products and production systems as well as ongoing disruptions caused by global events are constantly presenting companies with new challenges. Digital consistency beyond the boundaries of one's own company enables fast and adapted reactions to rapidly changing market environments. This year the conferences "Advanced Systems Engineering Summit" and "International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference" take place in cooperation. The integrated conferences offer impulses and exchange opportunities for the efficient handling of complexity in product development through methods and technologies of Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE), such as digital twins, Design-Structure-Matrix (DSM), software-defined approaches and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Multiple crises and their overlapping effects have been shaping world events for some time now and therefore also the environment in which companies operate. Manufacturing and developing companies are facing major challenges. The increasing complexity of systems and the growing number of stakeholders that need to be involved in the development of future advanced systems, such as product-service systems, as well as the resulting dependencies, are central to this.

Digitalization and complexity management are key to overcoming current and future challenges. Distributed collaboration and an efficient, digital and model-based exchange between all stakeholders involved in product development are more important than ever. This promotes a shared interdisciplinary understanding of the system and enables end-to-end digital process design. Through early, digital validation (verification and validation), companies can minimize errors and resulting risks and leverage optimization potential through suitable data feedback. Complexity management helps with the analysis and optimization of current and future systems. DSM in particular plays a central role here. 

Advanced systems engineering methods, such as product/system life cycle management, the design structure matrix, digital twins and software-defined approaches, support the development, control and optimization of complex systems and allow system discontinuities to be closed.

In order to complement new findings with concrete experiences at the two integrated conferences, the contributions from industry and science will focus on the following topics: 

  • Mastering complexity through advanced systems engineering and design structure matrix
  • Digital twins in development, production and utilization phase
  • Use of model-based systems engineering for digital consistency in product development
  • Model-based design of sustainable systems
  • Increasing flexibility through Software-Defined-X
  • Increasing transparency through intelligent visualization and value stream analysis
  •  Artificial intelligence in product development

The First day (September 24, 2024) offers impulses and implementation examples from practice and science. The "Industry Sprint Workshop" on September 25, 2024, focuses on the joint development of solutions for a current industrial challenge using the solution modules of ASE and DSM. September 26, 2024, will be dedicated to the scientific papers. These will be presented in parallel sessions and accompanied by keynotes from industry and research in the plenary session.

The event is aimed at

Development managers, project managers, production and engineering managers, managers from development, planning and production, technical experts with interface responsibility and project manager