A multidisciplinary network that dates back to 2008, the FutureHotel group brings together partners in the hotel business, industry and research labs who want to jointly shape the future of the hospitality sector. Various partner workshops and sub-projects slated for the upcoming phase of the project will address the two main topics of digitalization and sustainability.
FutureHotel study affords insight into smart hotel rooms
What impact will digitalization and connectivity have on the design of hotel rooms? A study entitled “FutureHotel – Smart Hotel Room” answers these and other questions. Its focus topics include emerging opportunities and the potential associated with sustainability and barrier-free access. But what exactly is a smart hotel room? One priority for a smart hotel room is to treat the guest to a personalized experience. These rooms could feature various climate zones, with one to set the perfect temperature for sleep. Other options include luggage-carrying robots to lighten hotel staff’s workload and in-room face recognition to boost security.
Digitalization to set the tone for tomorrow’s hospitality
The shortage of human resources is among the biggest challenges facing the catering sector. This is why recruiting qualified applicants is a top item on the industry agenda. A recently published report entitled “FutureHotel - Zukunftsfähige Arbeitswelten im Gastgewerbe” analyzes working environments in the hospitality sector to identify the industry’s needs.
The authors of this trend study worked out a host of actionable recommendations. Proposals involving digitalization and automation figure prominently alongside measures to improve working conditions, for example, by introducing mentoring programs to share experience. Emerging technologies can serve to simplify and optimize workflows. New digital tools are a case in point: They can save time by porting the ordering process to iPads.
Gender equality on the job is another topical issue. It is also important to enable employees of all genders to work more independently.
Study “FutureHotel: - Berufsprofile der Zukunft?”
Another study – “FutureHotel: - Berufsprofile der Zukunft?” – will be published concurrently in March. This report analyzes various hospitality industry jobs for their future viability.
The goal is to put workers’ worries about technology to rest, show the potential benefits of deployed technology, and set up tomorrow’s workplaces in the most efficient and employee-friendly ways possible.