Future Work Lab

Research topics

A vibrant innovation center, the Future Work Lab allows visitors to experience the future of manufacturing today. In it, companies, associations, people who work in industry and trade unions can find out all about labor concepts for the digitalized world. The Future Work Lab brings Industry 4.0 applications, training programs and information about the current status of labor research together under one roof, enabling companies and employees to develop in ways that are in line with how the labor market will progress.


The Lab services are based on three pillars:

  • The demonstration center, which enables people to experience at first-hand what the digitalized working world of the future will be like, with more than 60 applications, and that shows which technologies are already available today.
  • The "Fit for Future Work" learning environment, which offers sophisticated concepts for developing Industry 4.0 expertise, training and qualification.
  • The ideas center is a central platform for promoting scientific dialog and research into the production work of the future.